
domingo, 20 de janeiro de 2013


Olá queridos leitores,
Esta semana tem estado um tempo péssimo em Lisboa! Ontem tivemos uma tempestade de rajadas de vento furioso e chuva forte que chegou mesmos a pedra. Fiquei triste... uma árvore que adoro e que mora à frente de minha casa partiu um dos seus braços. E o Sol que tanto amo nem vê-lo....
Mas mesmo assim, consegui fazer o meu projecto para usar no dia de S.Valentim!
Voltei ao meu trabalho de crochet em arame de 3 a 4mm. Adoro fazer estes delicados trabalhos embora exijam demais de meus dedos.
Fiz um par de brincos para a minha filha com pérolas cinzentas e uns para mim com pendente a condizer com pérolas naturais.
Brevemente vou partilhar trabalhos idênticos mas em tricô.
Qual preferem?

Hello dear readers,
This week has been a terrible time in Lisbon! Yesterday we had a storm of furious gusts of wind and rain extremely strong. I was sad ... a tree that I love and who lives in front of my house broke one of his arms. And my beloved sun did not show up ....
But I managed to do my project to use in S.Valentine day!
I returned to my work in wire crochet 3 to 4mm. I love making these delicate work but requires too much of my fingers.

I made a pair of earrings for my daughter with gray pearls and earrings and a pendant for me with natural pearls.Soon I will share identical work but in knitting.
Which do you prefer?

With lots of  LOVE
Featured in :
alt="Bouquet of Talent Sunday Linky Party"             sewingbarefoot    C'e' Crisi!
 My Turn for us
I participate in :
Dollar tree Valentines party

69 comentários:

  1. Ana, the earrings are beautiful! I love how you display your projects! Sorry to hear about the tree. :(

  2. I've never seen crochet with wire, it's so interesting! I think I perfer the one with the black/grey bead in the center, if only for the little curl of the heart at the end. Did you follow a pattern or did you make it up yourself? I would love to make some!

  3. Lindos!


  4. These are amazing Ana! I am so impressed that you crocheted with wire! It looks so effective! Sorry you didn't get the sun you wanted!

  5. I like the ones with the pearl on the heart, not hanging :)

    Thank you for visiting my blog.


  6. Wow Ana - those wire crochet hearts are gorgeous!! I like the earrings with the drop pearl best - but both versions are lovely!!
    So sorry to hear your tree was damaged. Hope your weather improves!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  7. Hola, Ana! I loooove those hearts - what beautiful jewels, and I also love the photos.

  8. All of them are so pretty, Ana! So delicate and intricate!!! I love your jewelry!

  9. Pretty earrings!!! Thanks for sharing @ Submarine Sunday!

  10. Ana, I love your heart earrings! They are so beautiful :) You did a wonderful job.

    Hugs to you,

  11. Lovin the gray pearl earrings! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

    Jenna @ http://www.rainonatinroof.com

  12. Se ven preciosos,pasa una buena semana y se feliz

  13. Hello! Those earrings are beautiful! Thank you for you comment on my blog!

    Sparkle http://ellecrafts.blogspot.com

  14. Hi Ana...Your earrings and pendant are beautiful...I have never seen wire crochet before...you are so clever!
    I hope the weather improves for you this week and thank you so much for calling by my blog yesterday...My daughter will be studying in Porto very soon!
    Susan x


  15. Nossa que lindos.
    Amei !!!
    Por aqui para nao variar,rsrsrsrs...Muita neve.Tb amo o sol e sua luz mais por aqui ele anda meio sumidinho.
    Malú Holzmüller.

  16. Very sweet and pretty! Thanks for sharing.

  17. What a cute idea! I've never seen crocheting with wire before!

  18. Ana,esta notícia das tempestades chegaram até aqui no Brasil,fiquei impressionada com as imagens que vi pela TV.Espero que esteja tudo sob controle por aí.
    Olha,teus brincos estão lindos demais,não conhecia esta técnica,deve ser bem trabalhoso mas o resultado é divino.
    Boa semana para você!

  19. Your earrings are adorable - love them! Thanks for the great share! Stopping by from Inspiration Cafe! New Follower! Cheers!

  20. Beautiful earrings, Ana! I've only tried crocheting wire once and found it to be quite a challenge. Your hearts are so sweet - very inspiring! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your nice comments. ♥

  21. So cute pierced earrings!!
    I would also like to make!! :D

  22. Ficaram lindos os seus brincos!!
    Parabéns pelo trabalho!

  23. Hi Ana.
    Oh very sorry to hear about the tree! Thank you very much for leaving a kind comment on my blog, then I found you! My gosh you're SO talented. Those earrings must be the prettiest I have ever seen, such beautiful work!!! Hope the weather is getting better, have a beautiful week!!!

  24. Love these Ana! Super cute :) Thanks for sharing at The Weekly Creative link party!

    Shannon @ Sewing Barefoot

  25. Hey Ana! Just wanted to let you know that my blog address has changed. Long story… I’ve moved everything over to http://www.usscrafty.blogspot.com. I hope you’ll follow me there!

    T’onna @ Navy Wifey Peters Aboard the USS Crafty

  26. olá Ana, que trabalho lindo vc fez com os corações, isso sim é que é artesa! Meus parabéns.

  27. Olá Ana,
    que lindos brincos! Parabéns, que mãozinhas tão delicadas!
    Ana, só hoje nos apercebemos que vivemos no mesmo país. Nós vivemos no Porto.
    Obrigada pelo carinho no nosso cantinho, volte sempre para conversar e partilhar ideias.
    mel e jasmim

  28. Beautiful ear rings! Loving that your blog is bilingual! I would love to learn Portuguese, but alas Spanish and a touch of French is where I have experience, but I can actually decipher some of the Portuguese is I work off these two :) Thanks for visiting my blog, now following!

    Lauren @ Simply Free

  29. Oh goodness! How adorable are those...too cute!!

  30. The earrings and pendant are really pretty....I wondered if you could wear the pendant as a necklace too!

  31. So many times have I been tempted to start crocheting wire, but I cannot cheat my cotton threads with wire, no way!! :)

    Gorgeous earrings!!

  32. That is such a great idea. I would never think to crochet with wire and the hearts are just so beautiful. take care, Darlene

  33. Oh those are such adorable earrings! I had no clue you could crochet with wire! Thank you so much for sharing them with us today for Pearls and Lace Thursday. Those are such sweet things...maybe I should try those myself!!

  34. Oh, Ana, these are gorgeous and amazing!!! I didn't know you could crochet with wire. WOW!! I love them. You are so creative and inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent!! Happy Friday and have a wonderful, creative weekend. :)


  35. So pretty! I haven't tried crocheting with wire yet, but I want to!

  36. Lovely set !
    Have a much quiet weekend !

  37. Those came out cuts as can be! Visiting today from Freedom Friday.

  38. Olá amiga,te vi no blog de uma amiga e vim te visitar!!!
    Amei seu cantinho,cada trabalhinho lindo,parabéns!!!
    Claro que já fiquei seguindo,venha me visitar e se gostar fique por lá seguindo também!!!
    Beijos e tenha um ótimo final de semana

    Um grande abraço!!!


  39. So pretty! I'm fascinated by crochet with wire. I like the more natural pearl hanging from the bottom. Thank you for sharing them with us! Have a good weekend and hopefully the weather calms down!

  40. Such beautiful handiwork. Did you create the pattern? Would you share it? I would love to make some too! Thanks for sharing your work with us.

  41. It’s a new Linky Party to create more buzz for your blog and connect with others! If you haven’t joined Creative Crafts Thursday yet, please share your projects at www.creativecraftsthursday.blogspot.com each and every week and check out what other creative divas are up to.

  42. I'm so sorry to hear about the storm and the damage to the tree in your yard. I hope that things have settled down.

    Your crochet work is wonderful! The earrings are so lovely.

    Jenn/Rook No. 17

  43. Hi Ana, arriving from Alex's blog and her Linky Party :-)
    your Valentine's earings are sooooo cute!
    I will follow your blog with interest!!!
    If you want to visit mine, you find me at: http://ckmystyle.blogspot.it

  44. Ana, such delicate handiwork! Those hearts are very pretty. I prefer your daughter's ones.

  45. Wow, I love your work, is a good idea, your are a great artist. Thanks for your comments. Kisses from Spain.
    I am your new follower because I would like to be with contact with you.


  46. These are beautiful, Ana! What a fun idea to crochet wire - they turned out really well. Thanks for visiting me at Lemon Tree Dwelling!

  47. I prefer the natural pearls, but they are both beautiful! You are so talented, Ana.

  48. I can't decide which I like better, both are beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following...I'm now following you too!

  49. Ciao Ana, grazie per la tua visita al mio blog,ricambio con piacere.Gli orecchini e il pendente sono belli entrambi, ma dovendo scegliere, sceglierei il pendente, perchè io non uso molto gli orecchini.
    Un saluto da Venezia.

  50. These are so cute! I never heard of wire crochet...hmm now I have to learn how to do it! :-)

  51. Those are unique and beautiful! I did not know about wire crochet. Learned something!

  52. mi piacciono molto questi orecchini! Grazie per essere passata dal mio blog

  53. These earrings are simply gorgeous! I've never crocheted with wire but I definitely need to try these.

  54. Just shared these super earrings on Facebook and I also pinned them!!

    Thank you for sharing at Freedom Fridays Blog Hop and thank you for being one of my Five Faves!!

    Have a great week!!

  55. I love your wire crocheted jewelry. They look very delicate and pretty! I've never seen anything like them!

    Thank you for stopping by Fixing for Friday!

  56. Oh my! These are just so gorgeous! Thank you :)

  57. They are very beautiful

  58. Hi Ana :-)
    Pretty and elegant your earrings!
    I will follow your blog with interest!!!
    Hugs to you from Italy ^_^


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