
sexta-feira, 18 de julho de 2014


Olá queridos seguidores,

O verão está ameno, cheio de luz e é tempo de dar longos passeios e conviver com amigos ao ar livre.
O mês de Julho é particularmente especial por ser o do aniversário da minha filha. Em breve mostrarei o presente que lhe fiz, sei que vai adorar!
Tenho andado um pouco ausente e muito atarefada, fiz muita coisa mas ainda me falta fotografar... 
Hoje estou muito contente por apresentar a minha 1ª refashion, uma verdadeira aventura! 
Adoro ganga e  há muito que queria fazer um saco bem prático. Há algum tempo, uma amiga deu-me uns jeans salpicados com pequenas missangas. Assim, de umas calças nº 36 nasceram um saco com pegas de verga, uma pequena bolsa e ainda sobraram bolsos e algum tecido que futuramente irei aproveitar. Desmanchei, fiz alguns ensaios, forrei com tecido de bolinhas, adornei e adorei o resultado! 
E vocês o que acham?

Hello dear followers, 

Summer is pleasant, full of light and it is time to take long walks and hang out with friends outdoors. 
The month of July is particularly special because it is the birthday of my dear daughter. Soon I'll show you what I did to her, I know she'll love it! 
I've been a bit absent and so busy, I did a lot but I need to take the photos. 
Today I am delighted to present my 1st refashion a real adventure! 
I love jeans and have long wanted to make a very practical bag. Some time ago, a friend gave me a pair of jeans speckled with small beads. So, from a pair of pants were born a bag with wicker handles, a purse and still have leftovers fabric. Frogged, I did some tests, I lined with polka dot fabric, made a sprig of flowers and loved the result! 
And what do you think? 

Detalhe de raminho de flores no saco e bolsa. Sprig  flowers  detail in the bag and purse.

                                              Preparativos... Preparations ...

Fabulosas paisagens da Serra da Arrábida, num esplêndido passeio que fiz em agradável companhia. Onde o mar acaba e o céu começa....

Fabulous views of  Arrábida/Portugal, on a splendid ride I did with lovely friends. Where the sea ends and the sky begins ....

 Portugal num agradável dia de verão....  Portugal on a pleasant summer day...

Ainda pode participar no meu Giveaway até 2 de Agosto aqui :
You can still participate in my Giveaway until August 2nd here:

Happy Summer!!!
With love,

Featured in :

Seja um Crafter xD Thanks Maz :)       Criando meu caminho para o Sucesso Thanks Jill :)

 Thanks Claire :)   Tanks Tonna :)

                                                                Projeto Inspirado, Linky Festa Thanks Mary Beth

68 comentários:

  1. The bag and the clutch are fabulous, as well as the scenery!
    Hello and good weekend

  2. Ciao Ana! Pois e jeans stanno proprio bene! Hai creato una borsa carina carina........! Ma hai cucito anche altre cose deliziose! Che brava che sei! Una bella passeggiata l'hai proprio meritata! :)

  3. Que preciosidad Ana !!!!!!!!!!!! reciclado cien por cien . Me encanta el conjunto ,te felicito guapa, besos.

  4. Ciao ANA mi piace il tuo riciclo. Bella la borsa ed anche la busta.Stupende immagini dal Portogallo. Buona Estate.

  5. Muito bonito o conjunto.


  6. My dear Ana, your bag is spectacular! I simply love it and think it's one of my favorite creations from you :) Beautiful job, sweet friend.

    I hope you are doing well! Blessings and hugs to you!

  7. Quelle chance d'avoir reçu ce magnifique denim ! Et le tissu couleur lavande à l'intérieur s'agence parfaitement. Les petites billes sur le tissu donnent une belle brillance aux fleurs que vous avez faites et les deux ensembles (fleur et billes) ajoutent une touche vraiment féminine que j'adore. Très bonne idée d'avoir fait une pochette avec les restants. Pour une première fois, c'est vraiment très réussi!
    P.S.: J'adore toujours regarder vos magnifiques photos du Portugal.

  8. Anna, I'm pinning that denim handbag, so casual yet fun! I want one.

  9. Hello Ana! Thank you for your comment on my blog!
    I think that your refashion is very beautifull: a very pratical bag and I love your flowers!!!
    Spectacular photos of Portugal!!!
    Have a good we =)

  10. Ana, lindíssimo trabalho, parabéns!
    É sempre bom reciclar, e o resultado está perfeito.
    Agora no verão, fará furor.
    Beijinhos e bom fim de semana.

  11. How cute...what a great idea. I need to take all my pants that I can't wear anymore (not saying if they're too big or small)...and make some purses. I use to have lots of blue jean purses when I was young.

    Thanks for sharing!

  12. Dear Ana - I love jeans, too. Your works made out of jeans are fabulous. I don’t have such skills and recently I bought a simple but lovely indigo-blue dress of soft denim for my granddaughter. Summer in Portugal looks comfortable. We are still in the rainy season, and when it ends, summer will come with full force, too hot and humid, beautiful but not so comfortable. Last but not least, happy birthday to your daughter!


  13. Lovely bag Ana, Denim is such a practical and hard wearing fabric isn't it?

  14. A sua reciclagem de calças para saco e bolsinha está perfeita !!!! Ficou um mimo !!!!
    E as fotos, lindas !!!!
    Um bom fim de semana !

  15. Well done, Ana! I like your project!
    Have a nice weekend!

  16. Cara Ana,
    la tua borsa è bellissima, sei davvero brava e mi piace tantissimo, l'idea di riciclare i jeans per farne una borsa è fantastica!
    Partecipo volentieri al tuo giveaway e metto subito il banner nel mio blog.
    UTi auguro un meraviglioso fine settimana
    Un abbraccio

  17. love your bags Ana! the jean flowers make it so fun :)

  18. Ana, thanks for the idea. Your bags are wonderful. I like your blog very much.
    The best wishes, Nadya.

  19. Excelente reultado! Adoro reutilizar tecidos e a ganga é ideal para sacos :)

    Parabéns e beijinhos

  20. Ana...sono una meraviglia le tue creazioni!tutto bellissimo...borsa e borsellino stupende!
    che bello il mare da te....ti auguro una buona domenica...un besos simona:))))

  21. Super ameiiii a mala ficou linda d+++
    Bom Domingo
    Bjinhos ♥

  22. The bags turned out great! I love how you put the handles on there. I have made a few bags from old jeans but none with that cute handle idea. I also love the flowers you put on them

  23. Hola Anna. Me encanta tu bolso esprecioso. Y ademas reciclado , mejor aún.
    Un paisaje maravilloso.

  24. That is one of the cutest refashions that I have seen. And, of course Portugal is gorgeous! Pinning! Will definitely try my hand at this one day.....

  25. Lovely bag, and gorgeous butterflies- wire crochet is nice. I like that you made a make up bag out of denim as well. :) Greetings- Gutukas.

  26. What a beautiful bag Ana, great re-fashion :)

    Thanks for linking up to Creative Mondays

    1. Good Morning Ana :) just stopping by to let you know your post has been pinned and featured on Creative Mondays too :)

      Happy Monday :)

  27. E' vero non si butta via niente! Bel riciclo e grazie per l'idea

  28. I really love it, well done! I'm from the linky party :)

  29. Oh this is gorgeous! Very well done...
    Love it!!

  30. Returning the love and now following you. This bag looks fantastic. Your sewing is impeccable.

  31. What a fabulous bag! Such nice sewing. You always do a nice job, but this one is outstanding!! :)
    xox, Crystelle

  32. Very beautiful your bag and also the flowers on the bag.
    I like your photo from Portugal

  33. The bag is very beautiful, I like it so much! Have a nice week. Tina

  34. Ana - Grande projeto! Eu amo as flores em denim. As fotos estão lindas!
    Tenha um maravilhoso fim de semana :)

  35. Wonderful job! I love the bag shape, the flowers, the fabric you chose for the lining, the handles... everything! :-)

  36. Great refashion, lovely purse! I love the flowers you made!

  37. GORGEOUS bags Ana! I love the flowers you added to them both for decoration - just beautiful!!

  38. Thank you for sharing your refashion project at CAL link party! They're featured this week :)

  39. Very cute. Thank you for sharing this post at City of Creative Dream's City of Links on Friday! I appreciate you taking the time to party with me. Hope to see you again this week :)

  40. Great project! Thank you so much for linking this up to The Creative Collection Link Party.

  41. LOVE it Ana!!!
    Thanks for linking up with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party :)

  42. That is amazing !! Love your bag and purse with denim :)

  43. Just stopped by to let you know that I featured this on my Round Tuit spotlight post this week!
    A Round Tuit 216
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  44. Great denim bag! I featured it at this week's party!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ The Submarine Sunday Link Party!

  45. Your bag looks wonderful Ana ...(you're so clever!)...the corsage is really pretty too and such stunning photographs of your trip along the coast!
    Wishing you a happy new week,
    Susan x

  46. I LOVE your bag and purse, Ana!!! An awesome first refashion. The flowers are the perfect finishing touch. I'd love you to add this to the Denim Refashioning link party...

  47. Que linda! What a beautiful bag :) Thanks so much for linking up at Link It or Lump It!

  48. What a cute jeans bag and makeup case you made! You talent amazes me Ana. Have a nice weekend.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  49. I love this bag! the flowers are so cute. How did you do them? do you have a tutorial for them?
    Incredible what you can do from old jeans!!!

  50. Ciao Ana! Eccomi sul tuo blog! Mi sono subito aggiunta ai tuoi follower perché adoro le tue creazioni, le trovo davvero deliziose e originali. Peraltro ho avuto modo di vedere le foto relative al Portogallo...davvero STUPENDO! Per il momento non ho ancora avuto modo di visitarlo ma spero di riuscire ad organizzare un bel viaggio quanto prima.
    Avresti qualche località in particolare da suggerirmi di visitare?
    Grazie e a presto!

  51. Brilliant ideas for recycling jeans. Beautiful! You've inspired me!

  52. Hi Ana!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!
    I also like your projects, this jeans bag is wonderful!

    Greetings from Brindisi (Italy)


  53. Thank you so much for sharing this at last week's Project Inspire{d}, Ana. You were one of my features for the week! I love your creativity.

  54. Thank you so much for sharing with Adorned From Above's Link Party
    Debi @ Adorned From Above

  55. What a great job! The bag is fabulous! So very stylish!

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