
quinta-feira, 3 de março de 2016


Olá queridos leitores,

Começo por agradecer todas as visitas e gentis comentários deixados no meu último post e aos quais eu não consegui responder individualmente. São um grande estimulo para mim, obrigada.

Bem-vindo Março! Por aqui os dias são de sol e frios. Para mim céu azul e dias mais longos são o suficiente para me sentir com energia renovada.  
A Primavera está a aproximar-se e hoje partilho convosco algo bem florido. É a capa de um albúm que ofereci ao bébé mais novo da família, a prima Clarinha. Foi feito com muito carinho há 10 meses. Adoro fotografia e decidi fazer uma capa personalizada para um vulgar albúm.  E aqui está o resultado !  

Hello dear readers,

I start by thanking all visits and kind comments left on my last post and to which I could not answer individually. They are a great encouragement for me, thank you.

Welcome March! Here the days are sunny and cold. For me blue sky and longer days are enough to feel  myself with renewed energy.

Spring is approaching and today I share with you something very flowery. It is the cover of an album that I offered to the youngest baby of the family, lovely cousin Clarinha. It was made with great affection for10 months ago. I love photography and I decided to make a fabric  cover for a comun album. And here's the result!

Sobre linho bordei este amoroso desenho em tons de azul.
 On linen I stitched this cute design in shades of blue.

Diverti-me a fazer uma inicial  em crochet.
I enoyed to crocheted an initial.

Nas fotos está a doce Sofia, a minha filha agora com 27 anos! Como o tempo passa!
On the photos is sweet Sofia, my daughter now with 27 years old! As time goes by!

Para completar o presente e com a ajuda da minha Sizzix fiz este postal. Gostam?
I joined to the present a postcard  made with my Sizzix. What do you think?

DetaIhe do interior da capa de tecido e do verso do postal.
Detail of the inside cover and back of the postcard.

Depois de transferir  o desenho base só precisei de semear florinhas por todo o lado.
After transfer the basic design I  only needed sowing flowers everywhere.

Have a happy day!
With Love,

Featured on : 

A Rosa Enchanting

43 comentários:

  1. Ana, your album cover is a dream. I love the pretty blue and white. The sweet stitchery of the little girl and the flowers budding everywhere are adorable, and the crochet initial is lovely. Such a beautiful keepsake to be treasured forever!

  2. The embroidery is so sweet with the blues. It reminds me of blue and white Dutch pottery. xoxo Su

  3. preciosa la capa para el bebe y la tarjeta, por aqui los frios estan por la mañana y al mediodia llegamos a 20 grados una temperatura ideal, aunque parece que muda, muchos besos desde badajoz, pronto estare paseando por Lisboa, espero que el tiempo este bien para disfrutar de ese sol y esas ruas,

  4. So beautiful, looks perfect & lovely! Thanks for sharing with us

  5. Beautiful album cover! Love the stitching. Have a great day!

  6. Beautiful album cover! Love the stitching. Have a great day!

  7. Adorei !!! Ficou muito fofo !!!!!
    Bjs e bom fim de semana !

  8. hai fatto un bellissimo lavoro, brava!!!!! un abbraccio e buon fine settimana Lory

  9. Ciao Ana, è un lavoro bellissimo e delicato, bravissima!!
    Buon fine settimana

  10. Your book cover is exquisitely beautiful. So many delightful details! I just had to pin, for inspiration. Your embroidery and crochet are perfect together.
    Your postcard is beautiful too. :-) Have a good weekend!

  11. I simply love, love the cover for the little Clarinha's album you've made, with the sweet embroidery you've decorated it with, well, you've made it even more precious, you're truly amazing, my sweetest friend, thank you for sharing your wonderful works !

    May your weekend be blessed with the light of joy, sending so much love to you, with gratitude

  12. Thank you for visiting me at My Kentucky Living. I hope you come back. I love your stitching design! Sheila

  13. Che dire.. solo complimenti. Bellissimo lavoro, brava anche a ricamare. Un dolce regalo fatto con amore.
    Buon fine settimana.

  14. bellissimo, complimenti!

  15. Ola Ana what a wonderful work...
    The crocheted initial is a great idea!!!
    Tank you for your visit in my blog
    Baci dall'Italia e da Milano

  16. So sweet and precious Ana.
    Have a nice weekend,

  17. Bellissimo lavoro ,molto dolce e romantico!
    un baiser

  18. Ma che bel lavoro! Molto fine e romantico. Buona domenica, Mariuccia

  19. Cara Ana è tutto così incantevole, dolce, tenero e preciso...sei bravissima!! Sofia bellissima e felice, as hai ragione il tempo vola.

    Ti abbraccio,

  20. Exquisito trabajo, que delicado, crochet, costura, bordado, que belleza!

    Eli R.

  21. oooh so sweet and very special!!! your needlework is beautiful!!!!

  22. Such a sweet and treasured keepsake! Lovely stitching. Yes, they grow up too fast. x Karen

  23. What a sweet baby gift! So special!!

  24. bellissima questa copertina....preziosa nei particolari e il ricamo è divino....un bel regalo davvero

  25. Hello Ana,
    it's all so very delicate and sweet. I love it!
    Have a nice week,

  26. Olá Ana,
    Ficou um trabalho encantador, cheio de pormenores ternurentos. Como sempre, cheio de imaginação e perfeição.

  27. This is just so pretty! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  28. This looks so beautiful Ana.

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

  29. Created with love. What a beautiful keepsake. Have a lovely week :)

  30. This is so lovely! A charming project! I found you via Roses of Inspiration. Thank you for sharing with us! :)

  31. Oh Ana, this is just precious, my friend! How I love seeing your sweet creations - you are incredibly talented!

    Thank you for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs and joy to you!

  32. What a special gift to give, that embroidery is amazing and so lovely!!

  33. I love your pretty embroidery Ana!
    Thanks for joining and sharing your talent with us at Cooking and Crafting with J & J.

  34. So very pretty. I love how you created such a lovely album cover. You are so talented.
    I am always in awe of someone who can sew, crochet and more. thanks for sharing at DI&DI.

  35. Oh my, this is just fantastic. What a great album cover your created using different crafts and materials. So very creative. The card is also very pretty.

  36. amazing!!!!!! so lovely , i'd like to create an album cover

    lilac laces design

  37. amazing!!!!!! so lovely , i'd like to create an album cover

    lilac laces design

  38. How pretty! Great job. And I love that sweet postcard, too ♥. Happy weekend! Nata xxx

  39. I love the embroidery in the shades of blue. So very pretty! You did a beautiful job.

  40. Dearest Ana, I wanted to let you know that this sweet baby album cover will be featured at Roses of Inspiration tomorrow :) Thanks for sharing. Love and hugs!
