
terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2016


Olá queridos visitantes,

Janeiro está a terminar mas o frio a sério ainda não chegou. Com os rigores do Inverno que se noticiam por tantos locais temos sido previligiados pelo menos por enquanto. Para me proteger do frio fiz um casaco em pura lã com mescla de ovelha negra. É macio, confortável e muito quente. Demasiado quente diria, para usá-lo nestes dias.
Domingo o sol brilhava e fui ao Jardim dos Plátanos perto de casa para tirar fotografias para partilhar convosco. E aqui estão elas.   

Hello dear visitors,

January is ending and heavy cold still has not arrived. With harsh winter conditions that have been reported in several places we have been lucky at least for now. To protect myself from cold weather I made a coat with pure wool. It is soft, comfortable and very warm. Too hot I would say to use it on these days.
Last Sunday the sun shone and I went to the Garden of Platanos near to my house to take some pictures to share with you. And here they are.

A frente, as costas e as mangas estão trabalhadas com a composição de pontos que fiz.  Inspirei-me numa revista antiga que tinha. Gostei muito do resultado e vocês?
The front, back and sleeves are worked with a stitches composition I made. I inspired myself in an old magazine I had. I really liked the result and you?

Um dia bem agradável para passear no jardim. Por traz de mim está uma escultura em bronze com um colorido arco-irís. 
A very pleasant day to walk around the grounds. Behind me is a bronze sculpture with a colorful rainbow.

Usei uns botões antigos que adoro e que eram da minha mãe. Combinam com a mescla castanha.
I used some old buttons that were from my mother. I absolutely love them.

Fecho a gola e os punhos cersindo. The way I close the collar and cuffs.

Jardim dos Plátanos em Linda-a-Velha, escultura de Espiga Pinto intitulada  "Lenda de Linda-a-Velha". Por si só anima o jardim mesmo nos dias sem sol.
Garden of Platanos in Linda-a-Velha (Lisbon), Espiga Pinto sculpture entitled "Legend of Linda-a-Velha." It shines on the garden even on dark days.

Não resisti e comprei da mesma lã para fazer uma camisola, mas ao contrário com mescla branca. Vou começar  esta semana como ficará?       
I could not resist and bought the same wool to make one sweater but in oposite the mix is ​​white. I will start it this week. How will it be?

A primeira orquídea do ano a abrir cá em casa.Linda não é?
My  orchid blooming at my home. Beautiful isn't it?

 Have a happy day!
With love,

Featured on :

and on  Yarn Fanatic Party # 56

59 comentários:

  1. Oh I love the pretty sweater you made Ana! We have too much snow here - 26 inches. I hope all is well with you. Take care.

  2. Hi Ana!
    Thank youfor stopping by my blog!
    Your coat is so lovely! I think about one too as it's cold here in Russia. The design looks so sweet and beautiful!
    The orchid - I like these flowers very much! Mine is white and also blooming!
    Hugs and have a nice week!

  3. Ciao Ana, bellissimo il tuo giaccone, deve essere davvero molto caldo!
    Buona giornata

  4. es preciosa aunque para mi demasiado gorda con mis calores no aguanto casi nada , te queda perfecta y alli , seguro que te hara falta para este invierno, me encanta el punto que le has puesto, bessssssssssssssss

  5. Hi Anna! Thank you for your visit in my blog!
    The sweater is very pretty.
    Kisses Ornella from Italy

  6. Mesmo muito bonito esse casaco !!!! E as fotos também !!!!!
    Beijocas e boa quarta !!!

  7. Hi Ana! Your sweater is so, so beautiful!! I wish I knew how to knit... Love your orchid, too :)

  8. Your sweater looks so great, and without any doubt it will keep you warm when there are cold days in Lisbon.

  9. Thank you for visiting my blog and nice comment :)
    Your sweater is fantastic, I like the motive and beautiful color.

  10. The wool coat you knitted looks so beautiful and must be warm and comfortable. I don’t know if this is early or late but let me say, Happy birthday to you, Ana! Your arrival to this world must have warmed up your parents’ heart when it was so cold outside with wintry chills. Enjoy the warm winter as long as it lasts, and enjoy wearing the coat when it gets really cold.


  11. Hi Ana, your sweater is wonderful, congratulation!

  12. complimenti! è bellissimo, un lavoro molto particolare! un abbraccio Lory

  13. Hi Ana, love your gorgeous knitted sweater coat. Love the design and the soft color. I imagine it is very warm. You are so talented. Beautifully created!! xo

  14. Olá Ana: que lindo ficou este casaco. Está muito bem feito e parece até comprado feito. Que artista, amiga!
    A modelo também está muito bonita e elegante com o seu lindo casaco.

  15. How lovely your photographs are and your jacket is truly a masterpiece, you're a keen and a very talented 'knitter', aren't you ?
    Have a wonderful week to come !
    Sending love to you

  16. Such a beautiful coat you have designed and knitted. You are so very clever and it looks lovely and warm! What a lovely touch to add buttons from your mother. I love the photos in that lovely and colourful park. They add a little ray of sunshine to a wintry day. Just visiting your lovely blog via Stephanie's, Roses of Inspiration.

  17. Anna sono estasiata per questo bellissimo lavoro ...e ti sta proprio benissimo ... sai che mi piace molto la scultura dell'arcobaleno ... veramente bellissima ... come le tue adorabili orchidee ... ho scoperto perchè hai dei fiori così belli ... sei la fata della primavera ... ora vado a nanna che il mattino arriva presto .... sogni d'oro

  18. BELLISSIMO....sei bravissima , eseguito alla perfezione.
    Buona giornata.

  19. Splendido lavoro Ana, perfetto in ogni dettaglio! Il tuo stile raffinato ti contraddistingue sempre, bravissima!!
    Un abbraccio, baci.

  20. Hello dear Ana,
    your coat looks luxurious and gorgeous! You are so talented!!
    Cold weather expected to come in February over here.
    Have a lovely day,
    Duni xoxo

  21. You say you inspired yourself from an old magazine... Wow! I'm impressed by your result. It's gorgeous! I love the motifs you've created. You chose a beautiful yarn and your mother's buttons are perfect.
    Pinned and shared on G+

  22. che meraviglia di pullover, mi piace tanto anche il colore

  23. Ciao, grazie della visita.Purtroppo io non sono brava con l'orchidee
    la tua è stupenda.Complimenti per il lavoro a maglia, mi piace molto
    il mix di punti ti sta alla perfezione.Un saluto.

  24. Brava Ana!v Veramente molto bello il tuo maglione. Io non saprei da dove iniziare se volessi provare a farne uno. Complimenti. Baci e abbracci. My CountryRoom.

  25. this wool coat is fantastic, kises from Italy

  26. Thanks for coming to my blog. ^_^ Your works are beautiful!!
    See you soon bye

  27. It looks wonderful!!
    I really like the dark yarn too. It will make a great sweater.

  28. Hi Ana! Thanks for your visit in my blog!! Your coat is perfect and very beautiful!!
    And...your orchid is....beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!
    Bye Bye Milly

  29. Be che dire!!! il cappotto è veramente molto bello.
    Ciao :)

  30. ooooooooh ana, the sweater is just gorgeous. i love to knit but have yet to tackle a project that big!!!

  31. Deve ser bem quentinho.

    Isabel Sá

  32. Deve ser bem quentinho.

    Isabel Sá

  33. Wonderful cardigan, such beautiful knitting! Loved the sculptures too.
    Thank you for your kind comment recently x
    Happy weekend. Helen xox

  34. Olá Ana

    Que maravilha! Estou impressionada, ficou maravilhoso.
    Adorei o fio e as tranças também, ficou super bonito.
    Parece um casaco de compra.


  35. Wow! I love your wool coat, and all your pictures are lovely! I've only knitted very simple things like wash cloths and such. You have talent in your hands that is lovely! So happy to have met you... and enjoyed the pictures of you at the park, and your beautiful orchid blooming! I have tried to keep orchids but have not had luck with them. Yours are beautiful! Have a blessed day :)

  36. Your jacket is beautiful! so much work has gone into it, have a great weekend. :)

  37. A warm and cozy coat, the pattern is so beautiful. Love your photos, the sculpture with the rainbow, amazing!!

  38. A talented knitter with a green thumb! My orchids are refusing to bloom this year. I love your coat and your pictures! What a cool sculpture for a background!

  39. Ana, estou pasma! Definitivamente não jogo nesse campeonato! Esse é um trabalho de expert. Um trabalho maravilhoso, diga-se. Não podia ter gostado mais. Parabéns!!!

  40. bellissima questa giacca, sei stata bravissima

  41. Your sweater is beautiful! We are still deep in snow here. Looking forward to warmer weather where I can wear just a sweater.

  42. Bellissimo questo giaccone e caldo!! Buona domenica, Mariuccia

  43. bellissima complimenti!
    un abbraccio e buona domenica

  44. Your sweater that you mad is so beautiful. xoxo Su

  45. Wonderful sweater, excellent pattern!
    Have a great week.:*

  46. I lovely sweater, looks great on you.

  47. Beautiful sweater! I wish I lived somewhere where it gets cold enough to wear a sweater again. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  48. Olá Ana :)
    Admiro muito esta arte e a perfeição com a executa. Também já a trabalhei e gostava muito.
    Os motivos são bonitos e de constante contagem, mas o resultado final ficou lindo. Obrigada pela visita e volte sempre. Também a vou colocar junto aos meus favoritos.
    Um beijinho

  49. This is beautiful Ana, looks love and warm too :)

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays..

  50. Belo casaco! A composição ponto - adorável! Estou ansioso para ver a camisola oposto. A lã é lindo.

  51. E' bellissimo e tu sei molto brava, belle queste immagini piene di sole e di allegria. Un abbraccio

  52. Oh Ana!!! I love it!! My knitting skills are very basic. I don't dare to make anything as complicated as this coat. Maybe in the future. Will see!!

    It's been great knowing you blog. I'll be around checking out all your projects.

    Love from Madrid,

  53. Lovely jacket. The spooky thing is that it is a lot like the one in an old photo I've shared this week that my late mother made for me when I was a teenager! I LOVED that jacket/cardigan and I love yours too.
