
terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2016


Olá queridos visitantes,

E sem dar conta já estamos em Fevereiro! E com as temperaturas agradáveis que por aqui andam  o amor bem pode estar no ar. Pois é eu confesso, sou uma  romântica abençoada por viver há muitos anos um grande amor. Adoro Sunbonnet e foi fácil juntar dois amores, digamos que três, porque também adoro bordar! Aqui partilho o resultado! 

Hello dear visitors,

And without realizing we are already in February! And with the pleasant temperatures here we can say that love may well be in the air. Yes I confess, I am a romantic blessed to live for many years a great love.I love Sunbonnet and was easy to join two loves, is better say three because I also love embroidery! Here I share the result!

Tudo o que precisamos é de Amor! O Amor é simplicidade, pequenos gestos!
All we need is love! Love is simplicity, small things!

Amor é uma simples flor, um olhar, um sorriso .
Love is a simple flower, a look, a smile.

Usei uma moldura de borracha que há algum tempo comprei em Londres. Como não gostava do tom, lembrei-me de a forrar com renda cor de pérola para combinar com o tom do linho. Gostei do resultado e vocês?
I used a rubber frame that some time ago I bought in London. As I did not like its color I lined it with  lace to matching with linen tone. I liked the result and you?

Depois de fixar o tecido cortei o excesso e colei por cima um cartão para tapar o avesso.
After fixing the tissue I cut the excess and pasted over a card to cover the inside out.

Amor é confiança, respeito, partilha.
Love is trust, respect, sharing.

A pequena flor fiz em crochet. 
The little flower made in crochet.

Fiz um pequeno coração fazendo malha baixa num arame e depois dei-lhe forma. 
I made a small heart crocheting over wire and then gave it heart shape.

Amor é percorrer um longo caminho juntos, é compreensão. 
Love is a long way to run together, it's understanding.

Amor verdadeiro é para sempre e dá frutos.
True love is forever and blooms.

Amor é ajuda, é cuidar e proteger.
Love is help, is to take care and protect.

Lusitanus, o meu querido e curioso gato ajudou-me a escolher a renda. Decidimos que branco não era a melhor opção ^_^
Lusitanus my sweet and curious cat  helped me choosing the lace. We decided that white wasn't the best option ^_^

Feliz S. Valentim cheio de Amor!
Happy Valentine full of love!

Narciso é uma das minhas flores preferidas . Lindo não é?!
Narcissus is one of my favorite flowers. Beautiful isn't it?!

Have a happy day!
With love ,

Featured on :  
A Rosa Enchanting                     Cozinhar e Crafting com J & J Link Up        http://oksanalikesit.blogspot.pt/2016/02/handmade-cafe-63-features-63.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+OksanaLikesIt+(Oksana+Likes+It)

85 comentários:

  1. Very pretty! Love the idea of covering the frames with lace.

  2. Such a lovely little Valentine piece. And so beautifully made with the little crocheted details and the lace-covered frame.

  3. Bello e dolcissimo, complimenti Ana!!
    Buona giornata

  4. Hi Ana, Oh how darling. Love this design and your beautiful stitch work. You are so talented.
    Love the added lace. Great idea for this creation. Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment.
    Hope you have a nice rest of the week. xo

  5. Adorable! I love how you finished the frame!
    Enjoy your week!

  6. How lovely your stitch work is, and I love the idea of covering its frame with that wonderful lace, that's surely the finaly touch to your masterpiece ( your puss also think so ;) )

    Have a wonderful remainder of your week

  7. Ana ma è un amore assoluto questo tuo quadro...... <3<3<3<3<3 io adoro sambonet lo sai ??e adoro come hai realizzato il tutto .... ricoperto la cornice di un pizzo il ricamo il cuoricino ... il fiorellino tra le mani .... sei stata bravissima .... che gioia vedere questo tuo gioiello sei stata veramente bravissima ... quasi quasi ci provo anch'io ..... lo sai mio figlio lavora a Londra da settembre e spero di andarlo a trovare presto ... chissà se trovo anch'io quella cornice deliziosa.... bacioni amica cara ... sono contenta che ti sei iscritta ... sono successi un po di guai con i followers forse per errore sei stata cancellata .... ma mi hai ritrovato e sono felice ... io non ho perso tuo contatto ... per fortuna ...bellissimo il narciso piace tanto anche a me buona serata

  8. beautiful needlework Ana! Love the lacy frame too, so romantic and soft. Great gift for a loved one or just to display your love for another. Love is in the simple things!

  9. Such a beautiful, whimsical and lovely post, Ana. I adore Sunbonnet Sue and Sam as well. They always seem to evoke a feeling of happiness when I see them in all their glory in embroideries or stitched on quilts. Yours are a masterpiece, such lovely embroidery bringing a feeling of love and happy thoughts. Your Lusitanus is a sweetie and very clever in helping you to choose the perfect lace. I adore popping over to your lovely blog, Ana. Xx

  10. Hi, Ana! I saw your post on our A Heart Blogging Party and I had to stop by to tell you that I love it! It is so sweet, and the lace around the frame is lovely!
    Hugs from Spain,


  11. sooooo very cute and beautifully made!! i am growing paper whites, indoors right now and they are so beautiful and smell divine!!!

  12. The embroidery frame wrapped with lace is such a beautiful touch to this lovely piece of art.

  13. Hello Ana - Your embroidery is sweet as can be with the lace covered frame! So nice of your precious kitty to help you, too. Very lovely sentiments. A delightful post :) xx Karen

  14. Your embroidery is just so precious and I love the way you covered the frame with pretty lace. I love Sunbonnet Sue and Sam...they're so sweet!

  15. This is so sweet, Ana! Great embroidery, and I love the lace bow! Thanks for stopping by the I Heart Blogging Link Party!!

  16. Ana, essas figurinhas Sunbonnet são realmente irresistíveis. O quadrinho ficou adorável.
    Já bordei um conjunto delas, num momento em que bordar era o mais apelativo. Hoje estou noutra - de fios e agulhas de tricô e crochê.
    Tenha um feliz dia.
    Beijo da Nina

  17. Olá

    Que trabalho amoroso, que delicadeza, adorei.


  18. Your embroidery is so pretty! I love handmade items for the home. :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. Hello Ana your pretty embroidery and frame! I co-host a blog party on Mondays called Cooking and Crafting with J&J. I'd love to have you share this. Enjoy the weekend.

  20. Such a pretty Valentine's creation, Ana! I love the frame covered with lace--will have to remember that idea for future use :) Your kitty is so adorable, too--what a nice helper!

  21. Anna, your craftsmanship is so beautiful! Happy February!

  22. Good morning dear Ana,
    that is the sweetest embroidery! So wonderful!
    Yes, let's spread love... :)
    Happy Friday!
    Duni xoxo

  23. This is so nice and romantic! Love the frame and I love your shabby embroidery.
    Hugs from Croatia :)

  24. Hai Ana,

    Thank you for your message on my blog: http://dianasfreubels.blogspot.nl
    I love your embroidery! Really sweet!

    Have a great weekend

  25. So beautiful! You have showcased love so beautifully! Your frame covered with lace is gorgeous! Have a wonderful day :)

  26. Olá Ana: ficou lindo! Adorei o que fizeste com a moldura. Foi uma ideia excelente e ficou logo muito mais bonita.O teu gatinho é um fofo. Também tenho uma gatinha fofinha e peluda ( a Kika). E ,por curiosidade, também tenho no meu nome "Narciso". São ou não coincidências engraçadas?
    Bom Carnaval. Por aqui, costuma haver bailes,mas eu francamente não gosto.Aproveito para ficar em casa e descansar bastante ( e cozinhar e tricotar, eheh)

  27. Hi Ana - These are both such lovely projects - perfect for Valentines's day. Lusitanus looks like such a sweet kitty! Have a nice weekend :)

  28. Thank you Anna for stopping by to share your blog on my Friday Features this week.
    So nice to meet you. I love your hoop art, so cute!!!

    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Oh My Heartsie Girl

  29. Your embroidery is simply stunning. The red and white is so pretty.

    I would love for you to link up this post on the inaugural edition of Thoughts of Home on Thursday. I think readers would really enjoy it. There is also a giveaway associated with it. Every link is entered into the drawing. Hope to see you there!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  30. Анна, прелестная парочка получилась! Очаровательно!

  31. Ana, che bel post, che raffinata creatività!, sei davvero molto brava!
    Un caro saluto e buona serata da Luci@

  32. O wat a sweet embroidery !!! thank you for vissit my blog ...
    lot of greetings from Greece ...Nieneke

  33. Very cute, you did a terrific job! Have a great day.

  34. thanks so much for visiting me in Hawaii.
    Love Portugal and the wonderful handwork you do there
    Your red-work is stunning
    aloha Lilla

  35. Bello e dolcissimo questo tuo lavoro!Fatto veramente con amore! Un caro saluto dall'Italia.Daniela

  36. molto romantico e dolce....bellissimo.glo

  37. molto romantico e dolce....bellissimo.glo

  38. What a lovely embroidery. And lovely words. I think you've finished your project quite beautifully. The lace adds to the romance look. The flower and heart are beautiful addition too. Happy Valentine's Day!

  39. Happy Valentine!! This embroidery is so sweet!!

  40. Caspita che bello!!!
    buon S. Valentino anche a te!!!
    Un grande abbraccio e buona settimana :)

  41. This is so beautiful Ana and so happy you made it to Cooking and Crafting with J&J.

  42. Hi Ana,
    so romantic, I love it and I love to much red work, perfect for Valentine's day.

  43. Amor é tudo o que a Ana disse :) também sofro do "mal" do romantismo ... e o bordado está tão lindo ... perfeito e feito com amor! Um dia de S. Valentim muito feliz.
    Obrigada pelos parabéns ...

  44. Sweet Ana, I wanted to let you know that this precious post will be featured at Roses of Inspiration tomorrow. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week! Hugs!

  45. Precioso trabajo me ha gustado mucho.
    Me que por tu blog y gracias por pasar por el mio y quedarte también.

  46. Very pretty, Ana, and such a sweet embroidery. Daffodils (narcissus)? are my favorite because they're the first ones we see after our long winter snow finally melts. Have a happy Valentines. xo - Judy

  47. Very pretty, Ana, and such a sweet embroidery. Daffodils (narcissus)? are my favorite because they're the first ones we see after our long winter snow finally melts. Have a happy Valentines. xo - Judy

  48. Sei stata brava, è molto bello, mi piace tantissimo!

  49. Sei stata brava, è molto bello, mi piace tantissimo!

  50. Bellissimo il tuo ricamo per San Valentino!

  51. Your embroidery is so sweet! Happy Valentines!

  52. Very very beautiful and creative!Well done,Ana!
    Bom dia!

  53. That's so pretty, a lovely Valentine's themed post. :)

  54. It feels incredibly cute, like a magic! It made me smile. Thank you :)

  55. This is so sweet, My mom use to do sunbonnet quilts using scraps of our clothing to make up their's so neat to see it as an embroidery. pretty framing for it too!!

  56. Dolcissimo e le foto bellissime!!! Un abbraccio, Mariuccia

    1. Meraviglioso cara Ana: sembra vero quel mazzo di rose! Buon San Valentino

      Wonderful dear Ana: it seems true that bouquet of roses! Happy Valentine's Day

  57. That 3D flower and the heart make all the difference.
    Beautiful job!
    I love your kitty's help :-)
    Jazzy Jack

  58. Hi there
    Just stopped by to let you know that I featured this on my Saturday Spotlight post this week!
    Saturday Spotlight
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great weekend!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  59. This is so cute!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  60. Hi Ana, what a beautiful embroidery!!!
    Have a great week-end!

  61. That's beautiful, and I love the embroidery. Great work!

  62. Olá.

    obras brilhantes.
    Obrigado por sua visita sempre.

    Desejo a todos o melhor.
    Saudações e abraço.

    Do Japão, ruma ❃

  63. All are so lovely here; the frame covered with lace, ribbon on top of the frame, the embroidery, and your expression about love. Thank you for sharing. Have happy days filled with love ahead, Ana.


  64. A lovely work. I am following you now.


  65. Splendida idea! Dolcissimo e romantico il tuo ricamo, il risultato finale è incantevole!

  66. Ana, this is so beautiful! I love your red stitches on the white background.

    Thank you so much for linking your one of a kind special craft with Thoughts of Home on Thursday.

    Pinned. :)

  67. Your embroidery is so delightful and whimsical. xoxo Su
