Olá queridos leitores,
Primeiro agradeço as visitas, todo o carinho e incentivo que me deixam por aqui. Muito obrigada a todos, especialmente aqueles que não consigo responder!
Março tem passado a correr, o Dia da Mulher cheio de sol, o Dia do Pai tão especial, a chegada finalmente da Primavera. Mal começa a primavera, a flor que me deu a vida faz anos. Orgulhosamente exibe os seus 84 anos cheios de saúde, energia e boa disposição graças a Deus. Como o frio tem sido muito fiz-lhe um fofinha e quente casaquinha num azul cinza que ela adorou. Completei o presente com duas flores em crochet e um bolo de laranja. Passou o dia rodeada de todos os filhos, netos e alguns amigos, com muitas flores, belas iguarias e muita alegria.
Enquanto tricotava, descobri duas joaninhas na minha janela. Delicadamente convidei-as a posarem para mim junto do meu tricot. Aqui partilho o resultado, gostam? Que flor preferem? E as joaninhas não são adoráveis?
Hello dear readers ,
First of all I want to thank the visits , all the love and encouragement you leave me here . Thank you everyone , especially those that I can not respond individually !
March has gone running, Women's Day was full of sun, Father's Day was so special , and finally spring has arrived . March is the month of the anniversary of the flower that gave me life , my dear mother . She proudly shows off her 84 years filled with health, energy and good mood thanks to God . It's still cold and I made her a cute and warm coat in gray blue which she loved. I completed the gift with two crochet flowers and an orange cake . She spent the day surrounded by all the children , grandchildren and a few friends , with many flowers , fine delicacies and joy.
First of all I want to thank the visits , all the love and encouragement you leave me here . Thank you everyone , especially those that I can not respond individually !
March has gone running, Women's Day was full of sun, Father's Day was so special , and finally spring has arrived . March is the month of the anniversary of the flower that gave me life , my dear mother . She proudly shows off her 84 years filled with health, energy and good mood thanks to God . It's still cold and I made her a cute and warm coat in gray blue which she loved. I completed the gift with two crochet flowers and an orange cake . She spent the day surrounded by all the children , grandchildren and a few friends , with many flowers , fine delicacies and joy.
While I was knitting , I found two ladybugs on my window . I politely asked them to pose for me in my knitting . Here I share the result. Did you like ? What flower do you prefer ? And ladybirds aren't they adorable?
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Nos intervalos do tricot, enquanto fiz este trabalho deliciei-me com a leitura de mais um livro de um dos meus autores preferidos, Nicholas Sparks. "Dei-te o melhor de mim" é uma história impressionante cheia de sensibilidade e amor verdadeiro.
In the intervals of knitting, I read another book from one of my favorite authors , Nicholas Sparks . "The best of me" is an awesome story full of sensitivity and true love .