Olá queridos leitores,
Como têm passado? Eu fiz umas mini férias fantásticas em Sevilha. Por isso estive uns dias ausente deste meu pequeno mundo. Para compensar sem vos cansar, espero, partilho muitas fotos divertidas de uma deliciosa criação, a minha Happy Family!
Hoje dia de Ramos e 1º dia de Primavera, apresento-vos uma família de coelhos muito simpática e muito especial. Ela foi inspirada nos meus queridos avós Antão e seus filhos. São a materialização de todo o carinho e amor que deles recebi.
O dia parecia perfeito para fazer um piquenique. Na cesta, a mãe coelha colocou um serviço de chá, bolo, algumas guloseimas e uma toalha florida ...
Hello dear readers,
How are you? I spent a mini fantastic holidays in Seville. So, I was away some days of this my little world. To compensate without tiring you, I hope, I share many fun pictures of a delicious creation, my Happy Family!
Today Palm Day and 1st day of Spring, I present to you a family of bunnies very friendly and very special. It was inspired by my dear grandparents Antão and their children. They are the materialization all the affection and love that I received from them.
The day seemed perfect for a picnic. In the basket, the rabbit mother put a tea set, cake, some treats and a flowered towel ..
Quem são estes doces coelhos? Vou contar-vos .... Era uma vez uma doce avó, que até hoje vive dentro do meu coração, e se chamava Emília.
Who are these sweet bunnies? Let me tell you .... Once upon a time there was a sweet grandmother, who still lives in my heart, and was called Emilia.
Emília apaixonou-se por José, casou com ele e foram muito felizes.
Emilia fell in love with Joseph, married him and they were very happy.
Emilia fell in love with Joseph, married him and they were very happy.
Num florido mês de Abril nasceu um alegre rapazinho a quem deram o nome de Alexandre (Alex).
In a flowery April was born a cheerful boy whom they named Alexander (Alex).
In a flowery April was born a cheerful boy whom they named Alexander (Alex).
Dois anos mais tarde em Dezembro, nasceu uma habilidosa menina chamada Luísa (Lu). Uns anos mais tarde nasceu o talentoso José (Zé) o meu pai. Sobre ele falarei num post especial, esperem para conhecer este doce bébé.
Two years later in December, was born a skillful girl named Louise (Lu). A few years later was born the talented Joseph (Joe), my father. I'll speak of him in a particular post, expect to meet this sweet baby.
Juntos formam a minha Happy Family!
Together they are my Happy Family!
Todos adoram a Mãe Natureza e fazer piqueniques é divertido e um modo de se sentirem felizes juntos.
Everyone loves Mother Nature and picnicking is fun and a way to feel happy together.
Emília e José sempre carinhosos e cúmplices.
Emilia and Joseph always loving and accomplices.
Emilia and Joseph always loving and accomplices.
A grande diversão do dia foi sem dúvida fotografar esta amorosa família até que a chuva nos empurrou para casa onde concluí as fotografias. Divertido não acham?
The great fun of the day was undoubtedly photograph this loving family until the rain pushed us home where I complete the pictures. Funny isn't it?
Já em casa os manos Alex e Lu brincaram, lancharam e jogaram às escondidas.
At home the brothers Alex and took tea and played hide-and-seek.
At home the brothers Alex and took tea and played hide-and-seek.
Adorei costurar e tricotar roupas para estes queridos coelhos.
I loved to sew and knit clothes for these lovely bunnies.
I loved to sew and knit clothes for these lovely bunnies.
Espero que todos os pais ontem tenham tido um Dia do Pai tão feliz como José teve junto dos seus filhotes.
I hope that all parents yesterday have had a Father's Day as happy as Joseph had with their sweet children.
I hope that all parents yesterday have had a Father's Day as happy as Joseph had with their sweet children.
Emília depois do lanche começou a tricotar um cachecol para a Lu. Sabem, ela adora tricotar tal como eu ^_^.
Emilia after lunch started to knit a scarf for Lu. You know, she loves knitting like me ^_^.
Emilia after lunch started to knit a scarf for Lu. You know, she loves knitting like me ^_^.
Muitos mimos, muitas carícias e muito amor verdadeiro!
Affection, many caresses and true love!
Affection, many caresses and true love!
O molde destes coelhos foi inspirado no Livro da Helen Philips - Pretty Patchwork Gifts. O blogue de Helen Philips é adorável, visitem-no, eu adoro.
The templates of these lovely bunnies was inspired by the book of Helen Philips - Pretty Patchwork Gifts. Helen Philips's blog is awesome, visit it, I love it.
The templates of these lovely bunnies was inspired by the book of Helen Philips - Pretty Patchwork Gifts. Helen Philips's blog is awesome, visit it, I love it.
A "toalha de piquenique" foi feita há muitos anos. Agora já não é fácil para mim fazer ponto cruz tão miudinho.
The "picnic blanket" was made many years ago. Now it is not easy for me to do cross stitch so choosy.
The "picnic blanket" was made many years ago. Now it is not easy for me to do cross stitch so choosy.
With love,
Happy Easter and Happy Spring to those ho visit or commenting this post.