É Dia de Reis! Estou de regresso cheia de alegria por partilhar convosco os meus últimos trabalhos.
Passou a Consoada, o Dia de Natal, o meu aniversário de casamento que já conta com 27 felizes anos, o dia de Ano Novo, o meu aniversário no dia 3 e hoje é agradável recordar os dias felizes que vivi junto a familiares e amigos.
É tempo de começar a planear os novos trabalhos para este ano. Isso levou-me a pensar em capas para agendas. Adoro planear, anotar, registar acontecimentos, enfim, não vivo sem a minha agenda. Utilizei um tecido já conhecido e um outro bem colorido. De qual gostam mais?
It's Epiphany! I'm back and full of joy to share with you my last works.
Christmas has passed, as my wedding anniversary that already has 27 happy years, the New Year's Day, my birthday on January 3rd and today is time to remember the happy days that I lived with family members and friends.
It is time to start planning new works for this year and I thought to start with covers agenda. I love to plan, record events and I can not live without my calendar. I used a fabric that is already known to some of you and another very colorful. Which do you like most?
Christmas has passed, as my wedding anniversary that already has 27 happy years, the New Year's Day, my birthday on January 3rd and today is time to remember the happy days that I lived with family members and friends.
It is time to start planning new works for this year and I thought to start with covers agenda. I love to plan, record events and I can not live without my calendar. I used a fabric that is already known to some of you and another very colorful. Which do you like most?
Nice work Anna. I love the fabrics, specially the first.
ResponderEliminarFeliz dia de Reis!
Those all looks so great! The fabric is fun - I love it! Hope you had a wonderful New Year/Anniversary/Birthday - Blimey - that's a lot of celebrating!
ResponderEliminarThese are all adorable! I just popped over from your comment on my Valentine Vase Sleeves...you are making me wish I knew how to sew! Following you now and hoping you can inspire me to learn ;)
ResponderEliminarOooh, I do love your work! And I expecially like your choise of fabric; great colors, designs!
ResponderEliminarSono bellissime, la prima ha tutti i colori che adoro!
Happy, happy, happy everything ! My husband's birthday was on the 4th. Are the journal covers removable? That makes it nice to change things up. Best wishes, Tammy
ResponderEliminarAna, I love your projects and your material. My granddaughter's would love all of them!
ResponderEliminarHave a great year!
Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile
Oi querida,
ResponderEliminarLinda as capas das agendas, parabéns1
Um excelente domingo pra vc!
I'm glad I don't have to choose which I like better since I'm really liking both of them. :) Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday!
ResponderEliminarQue bonitas son esas fundas y las telas son preciosas.
Olá Ana,
ResponderEliminartambém lhe desejo um feliz ano novo, com tudo de bom e que você merece.
As capas estão todas lindas, mas pessoalmente gosto mais do tecido da primeira, é mais colorido e é em tons rosa e azul, as minhas cores preferidas :)
Those are so pretty! I love them both, but my favorite is the first one! Love those fabrics!
ResponderEliminarAna,muitos parabéns a você! Tantas comemorações ultimamente,hein?
ResponderEliminarOlha todos os tecidos são lindos demais.Não deu pra escolher qual eu gostei mais.
Eu ficaria com todos.
Capas lindasss!!! ;D
ResponderEliminarBeautiful, Ana!!! I especially love the Paris covers.
ResponderEliminarLindo trabalho| I loved your beautiful work especially the painted mugs
ResponderEliminarOla Ana
ResponderEliminarFeliz aniversário!
Estas tampas de calendário são lindas. O meu favorito é o primeiro. Eu amo todos eles!
Ciao Ana!
ResponderEliminarBuon Anno! Buon Anniversario! Buon Compleanno!!
E... tanti complimenti per queste meravigliose copertine per agende!! Mi piacciono da morire i tessuti colorati e la perfezione con cui le realizzi! Mi stai invogliando a provare...
Un abbraccio
Love them all ! Mas as de Paris tão um ar vintage que eu adoro !
ResponderEliminarUm Bom Ano de 2013 e que conta ainda muitos anos de um feliz casamento !
Have a great week.
Hi Ana! This covers agenda are so pretty especially Paris one!
ResponderEliminarFeliz ano novo!
Hi Ana! These are really adorable. I just love them!
ResponderEliminarI'm having a GOOGLE + Social hop. I'd love for you to hop on over, grab a button and link up your Google +. If you don't have Google + it's ok, come link up your blog or favorite post.
I'm also looking for Pinterest Pinners to feature every week beginning in January. If you are on Pinterest and are interested in being featured come link up! Who knows you might meet some other great pinners and gain a few great ideas.
Che belle, quasi quasi ci provo anche io!
ResponderEliminarSei bravissima.
Amazing, simply amazing fabrics Ana! Love the covers!
ResponderEliminarI love the Paris fabric! Thanks for sharing @ Submarine Sunday!
And I hope you had a happy birthday and a great anniversary! :-)
hi Ana! thanks for visiting my blog
ResponderEliminarhave you ever used a We R Memory Keepers cinch binder? it's a wire book binder. I just got one and i love it but now I don't know what to make!
Bellissime!!...Mi piace molto la prima, così colorata e fresca! La seconda è molto chic, bella davvero!
ResponderEliminarciao, buon anno, Giovanna
Beautiful work, Ana! Lovely fabrics. I love all of them.
ResponderEliminarOlá,vim conhecer teu espaço Venha conhecer o meu e ser minha seguidora tb,bjs Tania Mara
So cute! Pinned!
very cute! thanks for stopping by my blog!
ResponderEliminarChe meraviglia *_*
ResponderEliminarColorate e perfette!
Nuova follower ^^
So cute!
ResponderEliminarHow cute stationerys.
ResponderEliminarYour color is very beautiful!! :D
Ana, I love them both! They look awesome. The fabrics are so pretty on both of them. Thank you so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent!! So thrilled to see you again this week. :)
ResponderEliminarHUGE HUGS
Fun notebook covers! I like the Paris one.
ResponderEliminarAna, You are so creative! Love your covers and all of your holiday crafting projects. So glad you stopped by and told me about your blog. How wonderful!!!
ResponderEliminarMy daughter would love the first one. So cute!
ResponderEliminarGorgeous, Ana! Beautiful job. I love the fabrics you chose. Thanks for sharing at Hookin On Hump Day!
ResponderEliminarQue lindo!
ResponderEliminarAna, que talento você tem.
Eu vim aqui agradecer a sua visita lá o Costuramor e encontrei um cantinho lindo. Ficaram lindos!
Um abraço! ♥
They are all beautiful Ana. Thank you for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday
ResponderEliminarFicaram lindos, os tecidos são maravilhosos! Adorei.
ResponderEliminarHappy Birthday...a bit late...and I hope you have a wonderful New Year too! What pretty happy colors you used on that first agenda! I would always want to have it near me for notes and appointments! You did a lovely job on those! Thanks so much for joining my party!
They're all cute ^_^ my favorite is the Paris one :)
ResponderEliminarAna, gostei muito da sua visita.
ResponderEliminarJá espreitei o seu blog e já vi que vou viajar algum tempo nele. Fico feliz de que tenha gostado.
Doravante comentarei os seus trabalhos e a visitarei sempre que puder.
oi Ana, que bom que você aproveitou a postagem.
ResponderEliminarEspero que você faça um belo trabalho.
obrigado pela visita carinhosa, bjs
these are the cutest! I really love Paris inspired fabric!
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